Windkite – Kitesurf School in Rota, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Chipiona, Cádiz

Are you planning to get started in Kiteboarding?
Need to know how a Kiteboarding course?
WINDKITE SCHOOL Kitesurf Rota/Sanlucar(Cadiz) SPAIN you going to explain everything.
When you start the course you will learn the basics of kiteboarding. You will learn to identify a good place to prepare equipment and properly orient to the direction of the wind. You will also learn to ride kitesurfing equipment correctly.
We pay special attention to all safety mechanisms and learn to operate them properly. Safety is the most important point of the course.
The self-rescue maneuver is also part of the safety of the course. It is used to going ashore unable to re-launch your kite from the water for any reason.
Once familiar with the kite team will teach you to manipulate and control the kite. Using the kite traction as a means to facilitate your movements on the ground, it is the aim of this part of the course.
The following is go straight to work with kite at sea without the table. The aim is to use the kite to move over the sea in different directions or paths. You will also learn to relaunch the kite from the water and has to make the emergency release and resetting it.

After this exercise will spend Water Start or exit from the water. After your lesson Kitesurf where you’ve got control of the kite from the water, and have learned to navigate using kite traction; you’ll enjoy your first rides table.
The next step is the more technical, your monitor will anger correcting posture by making the water so that you start it easier exit, using some tricks or gimmicks that known for its experience in this sport. This achieves that your progress is faster and easier.
In your course you should always use:
– Protective helmet.
– Lifejacket, buoyancy or anti-impact.
– Wetsuit if necessary.
– Intercoms in order to receive your orders Monitor / Instructor in the water.
– Specific Kites for schools (more docile comets)
– Approved safety systems: Arnes, safety leash, Bars revised control.
Windkite School teaches courses in one of the best areas in Spain for its beaches orientation regarding wind directions.
– Kitesurf Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
Playa de la Jara (African): In this area you can navigate with winds from the north and west, little waves and flat water at low tide.
We have the possibility of making journeys to the Coto Doñana and Barco del Arroz.
Barco del arroz. Cargo ship aground between: Sanlucar, Chipiona and El Coto de Doñana.
– Kitesurf Rota.
In Rota we have 3 beaches to enjoy our Sports:
Chorrillo Beach.
It sails with easterly wind, little waves and low tide is almost a lake, the sea is completely flat.
Hotel Playa de la Luz.
Area preferred by local kiters and visitors, sailing with winds of Levante and Poniente.
Punta Candor Beach.
Spot also frequented by windsurfers for its strong winds from the south.
Bathing dish at low tide and high tide Super surf.
One of the best spots in the area in my view.
With these 4 wonderful beaches in our area, we cover all wind directions to teach courses and enjoy the Kitesurf.
Always organize courses to coincide with the hours of low tide, thus work with a meter about water and we can be with our students at all times, so learning is faster.
You should also know that Windkite School have a support group post-course to navigate never alone and help you progress faster, advice on the purchase of your computer or any questions you may have.
Unity is strength, WINDKITE SCHOOL TEAM.
And remember, as long as you contract kitesurf course, do it in an official school graduates and trained monitors IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization)
These schools also have accident insurance, liability and third.
SAFETY is paramount.
Contact us and sign up for your kite course!
It’s a windyty map from Sanlucar de Barrameda and Rota, Cadiz. You wont miss a windy day 🙂
We leave these kitesurf videos in broken so you can see the area.
Kitesurf in Rota, area Hotel Playa de la Luz.
Kitesurf in Rota, beach of Chorrillo.